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Australia Launches Nationwide Anti-Vaping Ad Campaign

The Australian government is set to roll out its first national anti-vaping campaign, encouraging users to quit their habits with a series of impactful ads that highlight how vaping addiction can “creep up on you.”

Campaign Launch and Focus

Starting Monday, the federal government will introduce a $63.4 million advertising campaign aimed at reducing vaping and smoking as part of preparations for a nationwide ban on non-therapeutic vaping products.

Advertisement Themes

The campaign’s first adult-focused anti-vaping ad will air in cinemas and on television. It features scenarios of a man at a pub with friends, another man playing with his son, and a woman talking to a colleague, all suddenly pulled away by an invisible force representing their vape.

Another ad, targeted at younger audiences, depicts teens in common vaping scenarios and asks, “Why are we still doing this?”

These ads follow a youth vaping campaign led by influencers on social media earlier this year, which has been viewed nearly 7.7 million times.

Broad Media Coverage

The new anti-smoking and anti-vaping ads will be broadcast across various platforms including television, digital video, audio, social media, gaming, radio, cinemas, and out-of-home locations like billboards, shopping centers, and bus stops.

Government’s Stance

Health Minister Mark Butler emphasized the critical opportunity senators have to protect Australians’ health when they vote on the anti-vaping legislation next month.

“Nicotine is highly addictive and can quickly turn an occasional habit into a serious issue. However, it’s never too late to quit,” Mr. Butler stated.

Support Services and Resources

In addition to the ad campaign, the government will boost funding to establish nationwide support services for nicotine addiction from vaping and smoking. This includes developing an online ‘quit’ hub and enhancing the My QuitBuddy app with new features focused on vaping cessation.

Parents and caregivers will receive new resources and health practitioners will get updated clinical guidelines under this plan.

Legislative Actions

Labor’s upcoming anti-vaping legislation, to be voted on in June, aims to ban the domestic production, advertisement, supply, and commercial possession of non-therapeutic vapes. This follows January’s legislation.


Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has yet to take a stance on the legislation. However, opposition health spokeswoman Anne Ruston supports the ban. Nationals leader David Littleproud opposes the laws, advocating instead for a regulation model akin to tobacco. The Greens have not yet announced their position.

Border Force Actions

The Australian Border Force recently conducted its first large-scale vape seizure since the new regulations were introduced, intercepting $4.5 million worth of vapes. This operation is part of a national effort to protect youths from the health risks associated with vaping.

Health Minister Mark Butler highlighted the importance of the crackdown, noting that young people aged 18 to 24 are most at risk of developing vaping or smoking addictions.

The import of single-use vapes has been banned since the start of the year, and from March 1, personal importation of other e-cigarette products will also be prohibited.

This comprehensive initiative marks a significant step in Australia’s effort to combat the growing issue of vaping addiction and safeguard public health.


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