Disposable VapeNicotine Salt Vape

POP HIT Vape 3500 Puffs Disposable Box Review

pop hit vape review

POP HIT Brand Overview

POP HIT is a prominent USA-based vape brand known for its specialization in disposable vapes. With five retail locations spread across major markets, POP HIT has established a strong domestic presence. The brand’s expansion under the aegis of POP Vapor Canada has enabled it to deliver the same high-quality, authentic-tasting vape flavors that have made it a pioneer in North America. POP HIT has successfully penetrated the Canadian, US, and UK markets by tailoring its product lines to meet specific market demands. In the UK, the brand features two popular disposable models: the Stik and Flex vapes. For the Canadian market, POP HIT has developed three types of pod devices: the POP HIT 2.0, Pod HIT Camo, and Pod HIT Original. Furthermore, the brand is strategically planning to expand its reach to the UAE, indicating its ambition for a global market presence. A focal point of this review will be the ‘POP Box’, which is a bestseller in Canada and exemplifies the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation.

pop hit vape brand logo
pop hit vape brand logo

Each product line from POP HIT is designed with regional preferences and regulatory frameworks in mind, demonstrating the brand’s ability to innovate and adapt. The diversity in their product offerings ensures that there is a POP HIT device for every type of vaper, from beginners to seasoned enthusiasts. This strategic diversity not only caters to different tastes but also positions POP HIT as a versatile and consumer-oriented brand in the competitive vape industry.

Design & Quality of POP HIT’s 3500 Disposable Vape Box

Comparative Design Analysis

The POP HIT 3500 disposable vape box bears a resemblance to the boxy silhouette of the popular Elf Bar BC5000 but distinguishes itself with unique design elements:

  1. Visual Appeal: Sporting a minimalist black-and-white color scheme, the vape box uses its logo and text effectively to differentiate between flavors. This design strategy not only makes the product aesthetically pleasing but also simplifies flavor identification, enhancing user experience.
  2. Ergonomic Comfort: The vape box is designed with user comfort in mind, featuring rounded edges and corners. These subtle design choices make the device comfortable to hold and use, promoting a more enjoyable vaping experience.
  3. Functional Design Features: A beveled upper edge transitions seamlessly to a compact cigarette holder, a design that ensures the device’s sleek look while preventing the holder from appearing abrupt or awkward. This thoughtful design integration enhances both the functionality and overall aesthetics of the device.
  4. Cigarette Holder Design Preferences: While the current cigarette holder design follows a more traditional approach, personal preferences may vary. I find that an oval or flat holder often provides a better mouthfeel and could potentially offer a more modern look and feel to the device.

Quality and Build

The build quality of the POP HIT 3500 highlights the brand’s commitment to durable and reliable products. Users often report that the device feels solid and well-crafted, with a focus on maintaining a balance between lightweight portability and robust design. This attention to quality not only ensures longevity but also reinforces customer trust in the POP HIT brand.

Function and Performance

Technical Specifications The POP HIT 3500 disposable vape is equipped with the following features:

  • Puffs: Approximately 3500
  • Battery: 550mAh rechargeable
  • E-Liquid Capacity: 9ml
  • Nicotine Strength: 50mg puff sensation combined with 20mg freebase nicotine salts
  • Charging: USB-C port

The POP HIT box offers basic functionality, which might seem limited given the rapid evolution in the disposable vape market. Current models like the Elf Bar BC5000 have set high standards with features like adjustable airflow systems, which the POP HIT 3500 lacks. This absence makes the product feel somewhat outdated in the dynamic American market. The use of a mesh coil is a positive, however, as it generally delivers a better flavor and smoke output.

The draw on this device is on the tighter side, which I personally prefer as it closely mimics the draw of a traditional cigarette, making it ideal for those transitioning from smoking to vaping. The smoke output is robust, providing a satisfying throat hit. The e-liquid formulation uses a mix of traditional freebase and nicotine salts, offering a more intense nicotine experience. This might appeal to users coming from more powerful box mods looking for a similar hit in a disposable format. However, my preference leans towards e-cigarettes that primarily use nicotine salts for a smoother intake, so the current version does not entirely meet my expectations.

Looking ahead, I hope that POP HIT will align its next-generation products more closely with current market trends by incorporating features like adjustable airflow, more ergonomic designs, and perhaps even smart connectivity. Such enhancements would significantly improve the functionality and appeal of their offerings, keeping them competitive in the fast-paced vape market.


The POP HIT 3500 is competitively priced at $19.99 in Canada, which is a suitable rate given its features and performance. For those interested in additional savings, the brand offers a Perk Members price of $17.99, making it an even more attractive option in the competitive market. Applying for Perk Membership not only provides a cost advantage but also aligns with POP HIT’s strategic marketing efforts to foster brand loyalty and customer retention. This pricing strategy effectively enhances the value proposition, encouraging both initial purchases and repeat business.


The POP HIT 3500 disposable vape impresses with a broad range of authentic flavors and a straightforward, ergonomic design. Priced competitively, especially for Perk Members, it offers good value. However, it lacks advanced features like adjustable airflow, and the nicotine formulation may not suit all preferences, favoring a tighter draw similar to traditional cigarettes. While effective for those transitioning from smoking, I hope to see more innovation from POP HIT to keep up with market trends and consumer needs in future iterations. If you are in Canada and want to try a new brand, maybe you can try POP HIT box vape.


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